JMadventures: Hello Rolls!

Sometimes things just work out in the best possible way (#thankYouJesus) and Rolls is exactly one of those things :)


How I Met Rolls

We woke up at o'dark-thirty... 3 am to be exact... to go get our Rolls from Ohio. We had only seen a couple pictures and had a few phone call exchanges before our big introduction. Yes we had just bought a home + yes we were in the midst of planning a wedding! But for some reason Rolls was the right choice :)

Minutes before arriving to Rolls' first home, we saw a horse and buggy. Right then it hit me that we were in fact in Amish Country. This should not have come as any surprise since I had attended college at Messiah and even lived in Lancaster for a few months. However my galaxy printed leggings, fake uggs, and hair in a top knot screamed "I didn't know we were going Amish today."

The culture shock competition was fierce: Jessica + Matt in an amish home vs. Rolls in a Honda Civic for the first time. Rolls quickly adjusted to his new life of car rides, Fixer Upper on Netflix, and electricity in general.

Our very first day with Rolls!

Our very first day with Rolls!

Rolls is Teaching Me

1. To get up and move: Dogs need to go outside and since we live on the second story of our building we get lots of steps in everyday!

2. To meet new people: It's impossible to go outside with Rolls and not meet at least one dog and their human! Our little community has great sidewalks which means lots of walking people + dogs :)

3. To value naps: I already believed in naps, but whoa Rolls is a napping-king!

Pros + Cons of being a Dog-Mum

Cons: Picking up poop. Sometimes he smells bad. {Rarely} he barks loud. We can't take him into stores.

Pros: He is house trained! Sometimes he smells good! He loves to cuddle! We go on long walks outside! Everyone says he's pretty cute :)

Before + After!

Before + After!

Little fam <3 

Little fam <3 

Rolls' Adventures!

Rolls' Adventures!